With an intense schedule of activities full of trends and innovations, the machines were turned on again in Emitex, Simatex and Confemaq aisles: Fashion+Technology from yarn to clothing, which once again demonstrated the capacity and potential of the textile and clothing industry. There both national and Latin American and Asian suppliers exhibited the latest news in terms of processes, design and technology.
The most important exhibitions that the industry has in the country, organized by Messe Frankfurt Argentina and Mundo Textil Magazine, were held in a space of more than 12,000 square meters where visitors could see the most modern equipment of international level in operation: on one side Emitex (International Trade Fair of Suppliers for the Garment Industry), with a digital printing area, Simatex (International Trade Fair of Textile Machinery) with equipment for the manufacture and finishing of all types of yarns and fabrics, and Confemaq (International Trade Fair of Garment Machinery) with world news in cutting, sewing and embroidery equipment.
“We are proud that this great meeting of the textile and clothing industry had such a great summoning, where suppliers from the entire value chain of the sector were able to make the great potential, quality and technology of the national industry known at international level. We met again after four long years, we went through a pandemic and the sector remains strong, firm, demonstrating the level of investment that translates into more and better job opportunities”, said Emitex, Simatex and Confemaq Project Manager, Andrea Lippi.
Meanwhile, the President of Messe Frankfurt Argentina, Fernando Gorbarán, highlighted: “We are celebrating 20 years of Emitex, Simatex and Confemaq, after four years that the industry could not meet. This is the best way to start celebrating the Global Exhibitions Day, seeing the heartbeat of an industry and feeling the effervescence typical of business events. It is a great joy for Messe Frankfurt Argentina to accompany this project together with Mundo Textil and this great industry present at Centro Costa Salguero”.
Within the framework of the exhibition, a varied program of activities related to the industry was developed with exhibitor conferences and technical demonstrations. In addition, the Hidro Denim exhibition was presented, an action that is articulated with the most important referents in the denim segment, both at national and international level, where energy, talent and creativity come together.
Proyecto Seda was also present, an international initiative headed by INTI that aims to contribute to the reduction of poverty in the region, through sustainable sericulture. It promotes the development of sericulture, its products and the ventures that may arise from it.
The next edition of Emitex, Simatex and Confemaq, Fashion + Technology, from yarn to clothing will be held in April 2024 in La Rural Trade Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Additional information on Mundo Textil
It is the only magazine specialized in the suppliers of the Textile and Clothing Industry of Argentina. For more than 20 years, it has communicated effectively to the sector. It has participated in the organization of exhibitions of the sector since its creation and is an active part of the most representative institutions of the textile industry. In its digital and paper format, it covers all Latin American countries and has more than 15,000 readers per edition.
Additional information on Messe Frankfurt
Messe Frankfurt is the world’s largest organizer of exhibitions, congresses and events with its own venue. The Messe Frankfurt group of companies has around 2,500* employees in 30 subsidiaries. In 2020, the company generated a turnover of around €250* million after ending the 2019 financial year with a turnover of €738 million. Even in the difficult times of the coronavirus pandemic, Messe Frankfurt maintains its international connection with its fields of activity. Thanks to its close links with different sectors, it effectively and efficiently represents the business interests of its customers within the framework of the “Fairs & Events”, “Locations” and “Services” business areas. One of the main differentiating features of Messe Frankfurt is the global marketing network that spans all regions of the world. A complete offer of services —both face-to-face and online— guarantees high quality and constant flexibility in the services of planning, organizing and carrying out the events of its customers around the world. In addition, it is expanding its digital experience with new business models. The range of services covers from the rental of the venue, the assembly of the exhibition, marketing services, to the hiring of staff and the gastronomy service. The company headquarters are located in Frankfurt am Main. The partners are the city of Frankfurt, with 60 percent, and the state of Hesse, with 40 percent. More information in: www.messefrankfurt.com
*preliminary figures 2020
Additional information on Messe Frankfurt Argentina
It is the subsidiary of the world’s leading organization of professional exhibitions. The aim of the exhibitions is to promote real business meetings that stimulate regional markets, encourage the internal market and, in turn, encourage the development of the technological pole in each area. Currently, the Messe Frankfurt Argentina event portfolio includes the following exhibitions: Automechanika Buenos Aires, BIEL Light + Building Buenos Aires, Busworld Latin America, Confemaq, Emitex, ExpoCehap, ExpoFerretera, ExpoMant, Intersec Buenos Aires, Salón Moto, Simatex, Tecno Fidta. In addition, it holds numerous congresses and special events for third parties, such as Argentina Oil & Gas Expo Buenos Aires, Argentina Oil & Gas Expo Patagonia and Arminera, among others. You will find more information in www.argentina.messefrankfurt.com